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Nikki Bentley
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Nikki has forty-eight (and counting) stories archived here. Her stories are a mixture of 'ships veering toward Giles/Willow. Most are Giles centric and non-cannon. She is inspired by anything from a chance remark to a chess piece (Duality) or a blister on her foot. (Watcher Hunters)

Reading her stories one gets the impression of a dark world of graveyard humour and the occasional ridiculous occurrence. In her stories, the eternal rascal Ethan is a frequent visitor/tormentor to Giles and others. Most of her stories are in the grown-up section of the site.

{Webmasters Note}The Following is written by a fellow BTVS author with whom Nikki has worked on a several story collaborations

The glorious thing about the internet is its ability to place people from different regions of the world in close contact with one another. The bad thing about it, though, is its tendency to keep people who are connected by strands of optical cable and copper wire from really sharing and getting to know one another. It takes an exceptional person to overcome the inherent anonymity of the web; Nikki Bentley is an exceptional person.

I was a struggling writer who was drawn to a cadre of fan fiction writers who specialized in a certain British librarian featured on an American television show when I met Nikki. She reached out across the ocean to welcome me into their august ranks, which was quite impressive, considering she was among the best of the writers in that group. She worked with me to improve my writing, not only on fan fiction, but with my own fiction as well. I did the same for her, and we collaborated on some very memorable pieces of fiction. As a result, I have sold two short stories that have been printed in two different magazines. In the meantime, her earnestness and warmth appealed to me and built a place for her in my heart that will remain for the length of my days on this Earth and beyond.

Nikki is a positive person, a woman who is strong, creative, supportive, and beautiful. She also has a fire and a spirit that is unquenchable. I admire that in any person, but to see it all wrapped up inside the wonderful package known to the world as Nikki Bentley, truly makes one believe that there is a God.

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