This button means that the following story is suitable for all ages and should not shock anyone.
FRC - Fan Rated Suitable For Children
FRC - (formerly G/PG) Suitable for anyone. No swearing, only the mildest and most general sexual references and violence. Yes, Bambi's mother may die and someone can make a poopy joke, but nobody has genitalia and all limbs will remain connected to the people they start out on.
This button means generally more action and romance in a story than a "G" rated fiction.
FRT - Fan Rated Suitable For Teenagers
FRT - (formerly PG-13) Suitable for anyone mature enough to watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This covers anything that might be seen in an average episode of the show. Very mild swearing is fine, as is some nudity and moderate violence. Fade to black sexuality and frank discussion of sexual concepts are fine here.
This button indicates a strong warning of possible non-consensual sex or blood-play and violence. Please proceed with caution.
FRM - Fan Rated Suitable For Mature Persons
FRM - (formerly R) Suitable for older teens and adults. Your characters may swear like sailors, have actual - albeit slightly fuzzy - sex, and get really graphic with their violence. Sensitive subjects such as sexual violence, torture, child abuse, etc. may be discussed frankly.
This button on a story indicates that no individuals under the age of 18 should read it. Sexually explicit language is used along with some practices that some readers may find offensive.
FRAO - Fan Rated Suitable For Adults Only
FRAO - (formerly NC17) Suitable ONLY for mature adults. This is where the extremely graphic sex and violence live.
This button on a story indicates that no-one under 21 should read it. Sexually explicit language is used, and same gender sex and romantic situations are described.
FRMM/FF - A fan rating of my own invention it contains slash fiction,
that is same gender sex sometimes in weird and wonderful combinations.
These stories are to be considered fantasy sex, please don't try this at home!
This site does not contain any child pornography.
It never has.
It never will.
Some of the stories are set in Sunnydale High School, an American High School where the ages of the pupils range from 16-18. As everyone knows, teens of this age do sometimes fantasise and have crushes on those older than themselves. Where this crush occurs the older character acts responsibly.
Any sexual relations outlined and contained on this site take place when the pupils are attending Sunnydale University, thus, over the age of 18.
Most of my stories do not adhere rigidly to the BtVS episodic timetable. But rest assured all the Scooby characters are well over the age of consent when and if anything romantic happens.
Site Disclaimer: Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. own the Buffy characters.