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To all those I wish to be Hung, Drawn and Quartered.


Hung in the finest silks.
Drawn by the finest carriages.
Quartered in the finest homes.

I give my thanks

To my beta, take a bow, Della Mills.

To my American friend Jack, now sadly departed. For all those who gave me permission to use photos from their sites. My children, because mummy writes Buffy stories.

My dear dad, a professional journalist. Who said "It's plain you can write, I don't need to read beyond the first paragraph to see that." R.I.P Dad

To all those listed above, and some I may have forgotten I give my thanks. Last but not least, I give my undying gratitude to my partner Dave who weaves spells of html and dazzling images.

Site Disclaimer: Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. own the Buffy characters.
All products, movies, books, songs, etc. are owned by their respective owners.
No copyright infringement is intended.
All ORIGINAL plots and characters on this site are owned by their respective authors.