Rupert Giles woke up with the sensation that something was seriously amiss. He sat up and saw floating in front of him a letter. He knelt up on the bed and moved his hand around the envelope. It was completely unsupported. He plucked it from the air and felt residual magic shoot up his arm. He opened the letter and began to read.
Dear Rupert, I’m asking for your help. I have never met you but I had a dream about you. I shall try to explain. Twenty years ago I raised a demon with some friends, at around the same time that you raised a demon. Our demon was Eyghon. It has possessed my friend for twenty years. It is my fault that he is being held a prisoner in his body. I put the summoning tattoo over his heart. I suspect your tattoo is in a different place. There are twin universes. My Rupert is an evil Watcher in the employ of vampires. I am Ethan Rayne.
Giles dropped the letter as if it had just burned his fingers. This was insane. Twin universes? He looked round his familiar room and scooted back to the headboard as he noticed someone in the room with him. He peered closer. It was Ethan but not as he had seen him last, this Ethan had only one hand and was sitting in a wheelchair. He smiled gently at Rupert and pointed at the forgotten letter.
My world and the people living in it have been suffering under the sadistic rule of Mr. Giles for twenty years. Help me be rid of him. I will send you someone at three o’clock this afternoon. You must show her the tattoo.
The letter faded. The image of Ethan solidified and he wheeled himself round Rupert’s bedroom. Smiling in recollection when he saw familiar photos. Rupert decided he liked this Ethan he was gentle with a genuine smile, not the almost permanent smirk that his Ethan wore. Gradually Ethan faded as the dawn filtered in through his curtains.
Rupert got up early he ate his breakfast without really tasting it and left for the library. Once there he busied himself opening post, tidying shelves and stamping books going through the motions of an occupation he was growing to hate. Unusually none of the gang came in the library that morning. Finally at three o’clock he put the closed sign on the library door and went into his office to wait.
He had just made tea, when the room grew icy cold. He gazed at the far corner of the little room. A transparent bubble was forming it contained a figure of a girl. He gasped she looked like Buffy! The bubble dissipated leaving the girl standing alone. She took a step forward and noticed him sitting behind the desk. He had never seen anyone look so afraid. The girl swallowed her fear and spoke.
"May I see the Mark of Eyghon, Sir?" She had Buffy’s voice but tamed and toneless. He said nothing but stripped off his sweatshirt, no Mark over his heart. Mark on his arm. She smiled with happiness.
"I have a message my father says will you help?"
"Yes I’ll help you. Can you tell me your name?" He tried not to notice the effect his voice was having on the girl. She was cringing away from him. "I’m sorry I sound like him don’t I?" She nodded and gathered her courage to answer his questions.
"My name is Lucy. I was a Slayer. You…. My Watcher had me killed by Angel. My Watcher has killed all the Slayers called to him I’m glad you will kill him." She smiled sadly. "My time grows short. Thank you for helping." With that her voice echoed away and another letter fluttered to the ground where she had stood.
"You’re being very theatrical, Ethan." Rupert muttered to himself as he opened the envelope.
Thanks for helping; the summoning is tonight at midnight.
Bring a friend and backup.
Bring a friend? That would have to be Willow. Backup? There was only one person he would trust. The same one he had trusted twenty years before. Rupert unlocked the bottom drawer of his desk and looked up the number. The phone was ringing.
"Hello? Speak I’m busy." Rupert sighed he could just guess what was keeping Ethan busy.
"Ethan?" He queried hesitantly
"Ripper! An unexpected pleasure! What can I do you for?" Rupert could picture his friends face a-glow with possibilities. He phrased his next sentence carefully.
"Ethan, I’m in trouble and I need your help." Rupert smiled at the small silence on the other end of the line. He was tricking the biggest trickster in the business.
"When do you need me?" Rupert grinned, got ’im.
"Tonight at midnight? You could make it earlier, if you like." Rupert added evenly.
"I wouldn’t miss this for the world. Oh, and Ripper? We’ll discuss my fee over breakfast." Ethan disconnected.
Damn, Rupert thought. Got me again, sly bastard! He called Willow next she agreed to help almost before he explained the details. She was eager even when he said it would be dangerous.
"Giles, what can go wrong? It’ll be our first magical field-trip." Rupert could almost feel her bouncing down the phone line.
At midnight she went to Giles’ house. Ethan opened the door wearing Giles’ robe.
"Hello breakfast." Ethan purred. "Sorry Willow." She arranged her face into her best "get lost" expression.
"Rupert!" Ethan called. "Your friends’ here!" Rupert peered over the balcony and waved. He straightened the bed and finished dressing, then came downstairs.
"Willow, thank you for coming. Ethan is backup tonight. We’re going on a journey. Are you ready?"
"Yes" Her reply was a little wary.
"Willow, do you trust me?" Rupert asked.
"Of course I do Its just that I don’t trust him." She gestured towards Ethan who put an easy arm round Rupert’s waist. "He’s a reptile." Ethan laughed.
"Willow, this spell tonight has to have its foundation in trust. Ethan and I have called a temporary truce I don’t hit him until something goes wrong and he stay’s around until we’re safely back home." His smile was encouraging and at last she nodded.
"OK. What do I do?" He took her hand and they stepped into the summoning circle together. Ethan started the chant in Rupert’s living room and finished the chant in a dimly lit flat.
Willow was unable to disguise her disappointment. No sparks. Nothing. Then she saw Ethan. He wore glasses to read and held the spell book awkwardly in his left hand. Behind his chair stood a youth with long hair and haunted dark eyes, he held a white candle. Giles took a step out of the circle and the young man stepped in front of Ethan, protecting him.
"Your mark, Sir?" Giles took another step forward and looked closer at the boy.
"Xander?" The youth stepped closer. His face was a carefully controlled mix of hatred and respect.
"The mark of Eyghon." His voice threatened. Giles backed away and took off his sweater. Xander relaxed and turned back to Ethan who smiled.
End of Pt.1